Tito Loves:
- Getting scratched behind his ears
- Practicing his soccer skills with his ball
Tito’s Story:
Tito arrived at Luvin Arms at just ten days old in the spring of 2017. Tito was a “leftover” calf from what we believe was a veal transport truck. It is common practice for farmers to send extra calves to slaughterhouses because a percentage of the calves do not survive the transport process. The truck driver had a moment of compassion when he saw Tito and two other sickly male calves on his truck. He contacted various sanctuaries to see if anyone could take them in. Tito came to us in very poor health. His first week as a new resident at Luvin Arms was spent at CSU – a veterinary hospital in Northern Colorado.
Now healthy, Tito roams the pastures with his cow friends, and loves cuddling with people. Because Tito was raised by people, he’s like a giant puppy. He loves to play, be frisky, and he gives the best cow hugs in town.