
Rescued Chicken


  • Standing proudly on his post to crow
  • Snacks
  • Being the tiniest, cutest little rooster


Topaz’s story begins with an all-too-common scenario in backyard chicken keeping. Discovered abandoned in a box at a humane society, his arrival at Luvin Arms Animal Sanctuary highlights a pressing issue: the unintended consequences of backyard chickens. Many enthusiasts purchase chicks, hoping for a flock of hens, only to find themselves with a rooster. Due to noise concerns, local and city regulations often prohibit keeping roosters, leading to their unfortunate disposal by owners unprepared for this reality.

This situation underscores a misunderstanding and lack of awareness about the complexities of chicken ownership, including the valuable role roosters play within a flock. At Luvin Arms, Topaz’s arrival has become a catalyst for the sanctuary’s drive to educate the public about the intricacies of chicken care, emphasizing the need for awareness and understanding.

Through Topaz’s journey, Luvin Arms promotes understanding and respect for the needs and rights of all animals. It strives for a future where all living beings are treated with dignity and compassion.

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