Lucine Loves:
- Staying hydrated
- Hanging out with friends
- Meeting new people
Lucine’s Story:
Shortly before New Year’s Eve in 2018, Luvin Arms was alerted of a bankrupt “humane” chicken farm in La Salle, CO, who could no longer manage the 36,000 young Cornish birds in their care. The farm wasn’t able to feed the chickens or heat the barn during a Colorado winter. The birds were found starving and freezing, some even having to resort to cannibalism to live. After an intense rescue effort, we took in 610 of these birds and gave them around the clock medical care while working with an incredible team of rescue, placement, and transport volunteers to find them forever homes. Several of those beautiful survivors became permanent residents of Luvin Arms, including Aspen, Gracie, Lucine, Valentine, and Wendy.
When rescued, Lucine had a compound fracture on her left elbow and a systemic infection. Because of this, Lucine needed to have her wing amputated. She healed well under the loving watch of her caregivers.
Today, she spends all her days in peace and tranquility with her chicken friends.