
Rescued Cow

Volunteer/Donor Spotlight: Donna Marino

Donna Marino is a long-time animal activist and vegan, and has campaigned for the rights of all animals, ranging from those in the circus to domestic animals to farmed animals. She has been a dedicated volunteer and supporter of Luvin Arms for years. Her vegan outreach includes cooking delicious food and showing others how simple it is to prepare awesome vegan meals. A long-time home cook, Donna is attending cooking school and will receive her certification as a professional plant-based chef in 2021.

What inspires you to support the cause for animals?
Billions of animals are slaughtered each year and it’s so completely unnecessary. I support this cause because I want others to understand that we can live better, healthier lives without consuming animals or animal products. I don’t want to see any animals harmed, and I also want to help the planet and my health.

How did you get involved with Luvin Arms?
I learned about the sanctuary from a friend who’d seen a post on Next Door. I visited the next day, with fresh produce from my garden and I met the wonderful founders, Shilpi & Shaleen. I came back for training to be an animal care volunteer the next week and I’ve been involved ever since.

What do you wish other people knew about Luvin Arms?
I wish people could know the amount of planning and effort involved in running a sanctuary where animals receive the highest level of care. Much thought goes into taking in residents so that they can be assured a safe and happy existence for the remainder of their natural lives. Luvin Arms cares so much about the quality of life that each resident has, and that means much more than just feeding them and providing shelter. Each resident is given the opportunity to live their best life.

How do you see the work that Luvin Arms does fitting into creating a more compassionate community?
The tours, open houses, cooking demos and other outreach have reached thousands of people in the community; the sanctuary provides a perfect opportunity for people to meet farmed animals and learn about their plight. When people can connect with individual animal residents, it goes a long way toward changing hearts and minds.

Anything else you would like to say?
I love all the residents, but Lily is my favorite. When I look into her beautiful blue eyes, I feel a real connection with her.

Donna will be leading a Valentine’s Day Delights plant-based cooking demo on Friday, February 12th at 6:00pm MST live on our Facebook page. We hope to see you there!

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