
Rescued Pig

Two Baby Pigs Seek and Find Sanctuary at Luvin Arms

Feb. 7, 2022 – On January 17th, the world commemorated the birthdays of Martin Luther King, Jr. and Betty White. Both individuals were beacons of compassion for the world, and exemplified the value of Ahimsa – nonviolence toward all living beings. Luvin Arms participated in the #BettyWhiteChallenge in January, and in honor of these two individuals who both took a stand for the rights of marginalized groups, Luvin Arms is sharing another inspirational story about miracles, hope, and the promise of a better life.

The day started off quiet, until the horse residents started running up and down their paddock, notifying the Luvin Arms’ animal care team that something was the matter. The staff looked to see what all the commotion was and couldn’t believe their eyes. Running towards Luvin Arms from the vast open fields were two baby pigs, literally running for their lives.  They were shivering and cold. Their little ears were burned from the sun. The team had never seen two babies so hungry and so incredibly thirsty.

At first, the Luvin Arms’ staff had no indication of where these two babies had come from, or how they had made their way to the Sanctuary. The Luvin Arms’ staff now believes the two must have fallen off a transport truck on the nearby highway and journeyed together all the way to Luvin Arms.

Their arrival precisely to Luvin Arms is especially miraculous because all the surrounding properties are farm operations that use animals for profit. Out of all the neighboring land, somehow these two babies knew exactly which property was safe. Somehow they knew that Luvin Arms would welcome them with outstretched, truly “loving arms.” The two babies – a boy and a girl – were named Arnie and Frankie.

“Frankie and Arnie found their way to Luvin Arms against all the odds,” said Executive Director, Shartrina White. “It was a miracle that they escaped the transport truck. It was a miracle that they walked onto the property of a sanctuary instead of a farm. Now they need your help. Frankie and Arnie’s story is still unfolding. Help us give them the life-saving medical care they need.”

They arrived starving, and with a cough, fever, and sunburnt ears. They are now under strict quarantine, because Frankie has treatment-resistant roundworm, which is incredibly contagious. Arnie is suffering from a painful pee pocket, which requires daily attention from the animal care staff and may even necessitate surgery to permanently correct it.

Luvin Arms has set up a campaign specifically to raise medical care funds for these two new additions to the Sanctuary. For more campaign information, please visit: https://www.justgiving.com/campaign/helprecuedpigsforbettywhitechallenge

Luvin Arms is a nonprofit animal sanctuary for abused and neglected farmed animals, based in Erie, Colorado. Luvin Arms is working to provide exceptional lifelong social, emotional, and cognitive care for their animal residents, and to advocate for those who have not been rescued by sharing their residents’ stories to inspire, educate, and empower others to embrace a more compassionate and sustainable lifestyle.

For more information about Luvin Arms, please visit: https://luvinarms.org

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