
Our Animal Residents Need Produce!

Just like humans enjoy and get excited about big yummy meals with a variety of different flavors and textures, so do all of our residents at Luvin Arms! The majority of the produce we get donated to us gets fed to our pig residents and goes fairly quickly. We have 8 pig residents who eat large meals twice a day that consist of grain, supplements, and a variety of different fruits and vegetables. Since Covid-19, we have had a hard time finding and acquiring fresh produce for our animal residents on a regular and consistent basis. Right now, we are currently in need and are looking for produce donations for our residents. 


Pigs have an incredibly good sense of smell and know when their yummy meals are being prepared. Along with getting two meals a day, we like to give our pig residents watermelon on hot summer days to help them cool down. If you have ever enjoyed a nice cold popsicle on a hot day, then you can only imagine how happy our pigs are when they get a frosty cold watermelon snack on those scorching hot summer days.


One would also think that pigs wouldn’t be very picky about what fruits and veggies they’re being fed, but they actually have very sophisticated palates! Some of our pig residents love certain fruits and vegetables and some do not. For example, Felix isn’t the biggest fan of Brussel sprouts and cauliflower, but the rest of the group does. Some our pig residents’ favorite fruits and veggies are lettuce, leafy greens, zucchini, broccoli, squash, cucumber, carrots, strawberries/berries, melons (especially watermelon) apples, and bananas. Produce not only keeps our pig residents happy, but healthy, too!


Along with our 8 pig residents, we have 66 bird residents who also enjoy fresh fruits and vegetables. Walter, our male turkey resident, absolutely loves grapes and cantaloupe seeds. He gets really excited and makes cute little noises when he knows he’s getting a yummy snack! Our ducks also enjoy lettuce and different kinds of melons! Some of our bird residents’ favorite treats are lettuce, parsley, cilantro, grapes, blueberries, blackberries, cantaloupe and watermelon. 


The care team and all of the animal residents here at Luvin Arms appreciate anything and everything that you’re able to donate. A few places that produce can be found are personal and/or local gardens, grocery stores, food banks, and the Denver rescue mission. If you’re interested in donating produce, please feel free drop it off at the sanctuary at your own convenience. We ask that you leave all donations outside of the visitor center for us to pick up. To see our residents enjoying their meals and favorite treats, follow us on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram





  Walter enjoying some cantaloupe 🙂

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