
Help Felix and his friends continue to receive critical medication and warm bedding this winter.

Clean and comfortable bedding is essential to the health and longevity of our residents. But bedding is incredibly expensive. It costs over $4,300 per month to provide clean bedding for all our residents. 

For residents like Felix or Jade the turkey, elderly medical care is an essential part of our routine. When farmed animals reach an elderly age, they experience many of the same health challenges as humans. Medical care includes pain medications, cancer treatments, surgeries, cold laser treatments, massages, acupuncture, and more. It costs $3,800 per month to administer medical care to our elderly residents alone, and medical care for all residents approaches $10,000 per month.

We need your support to raise $20,000 by the end of December to ensure Felix and his friends continue to receive critical medication and warm bedding this winter.

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