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Join Us: Call for Chevron CEO to stop funding cruelty!

Calf roping is animal torture.
And the fact that it’s being inflicted upon baby animals makes it even worse. All those baby calves want is to find their mothers — and instead they are chased, roped, hog-tied and dragged through the dirt.
Greeley Stampede calls it entertainment, and Chevron seems to agree! But there’s nothing fun or funny about animal abuse.
Please sign our urgent petition to Chevron, telling them to pull their money out of Greeley Stampede NOW along with any other commercial rodeo operations with calf roping and other animal torture!
Michael Wirth, Chevron CEO
Your company is sponsoring Greeley Stampede, an event featuring a commercial rodeo operation where calves are chased by horses, roped by the neck, flipped into the air and tied by the legs. The animals are terrified, traumatized, and they sustain serious injuries. Many are killed.
Chevron shouldn’t be sponsoring animal cruelty. Don’t be party to this! I’m urging you to pull your funding from Greeley Stampede now, and from all rodeos where calf roping and other forms of animal torture are allowed!