We’re now more than one month into 2023…. How are those new year resolutions coming along? Was adopting a vegan diet one of them? Sometimes we bite off more than we can chew on January 1st, only to quickly find we don’t stick to our lofty commitments just a few weeks into the new year.
We’re here to help! We’ve asked 6 Famous Vegan Influencers the following question to help you get back on track:
What is your #1 piece of advice for taking that first step towards a vegan lifestyle?
Keep scrolling to read their inspiring answers, and pick one or two easy things you can try today!
And be sure to send us your comments on how your new year vegan journey is going.
1.) Marc Bekoff, Ph.D.
Dr. Bekoff is a professor emeritus of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology at the University of Colorado, Boulder, and Co-Founder with Jane Goodall of Ethologists for the Ethical Treatment of Animals. He specializes in “animal minds, compassionate conservation, and animal protection.”
Marc’s advice:
“It’s really easy to do, and I suggest going “cold tofu” and just do it!”
Follow Marc: Website | Psychology Today blog
2.) Michael Greger, M.D., FACLM
Dr. Greger is a physician, New York Times bestselling author, and internationally-recognized speaker on nutrition, food safety, and public health issues.
Dr. Greger’s advice:
“Start by incorporating a variety of whole plant foods into your diet to crowd out everything else. You can download my free Daily Dozen app, which offers a checklist of the healthiest of healthy foods to include into your diet everyday.”
Follow Dr. Greger: Website
3.) Jessica Pierce, Ph.D.
Dr. Pierce is a bioethicist and writer. Her work focuses on human-animal relationships, and interconnections between ecosystems and health.
Jessica’s advice:
“Have fun learning to cook differently. There are so many vegan cooking websites out there, and I’ve learned to think in new ways about how to create delicious meals. Some of my favorites: Nora Cooks, Cookie and Kate, Minimalist Baking, Vegan Richa, A Couple of Cooks, Love and Lemons. I’ve found that the reviews of recipes are pretty straight up, and there are enough 5-star vegan recipes to keep you fed for a lifetime.
If you are traveling, plan ahead and either bring your own food or find out what your options will be like. Apps like Happy Cow are great. Happy Cow will find (and rate) all the vegan-friendly restaurant options in an area.
Find a community of like-minded people, whether in real life (ideally, you and your family can transition together, or you and a friend or two) or online.
Always come back to your reasons for wanting to eat differently. For me, it was the suffering of animals. If I ever feel tempted to eat a bite of pastry that has butter or egg, all I have to do is call to mind an image of what the cow or chicken has experienced, and I instantly lose my appetite.”
Follow Jessica: Website | Psychology Today blog
4.) Gene Baur
President and Co-Founder of Farm Sanctuary, Gene has been hailed as “the conscience of the food movement” by Time magazine, and named one of Oprah Winfrey’s SuperSoul 100 Givers.
Gene’s advice:
“Take it day by day, and step by step, and surround yourself with people (whether vegan or not) who support your decision.”
Follow Gene: Website | Instagram
5.) Seth Tibbott
Seth (Founder and Chairman of Tofurky) began his venture in 1980 after making from-scratch tempeh to share with friends and family. Today, Tofurky is “inspired by a world that is waking up to the benefits of tasty veg food.”
Seth’s advice:
“I would recommend people sign up for Veganuary and try to eat vegan for the month of January.* Everyday you get encouraging emails with recipes and ideas. People are surprised how easy it is to eat vegan with the loving support from this great organization!”
*Side Note: You can sign up on the Veganuary website at any time of the year to start your vegan journey.
Follow Seth: Website | Instagram | Twitter | Facebook
6.) Robert Cheeke
Robert is the Founder and President of Vegan Bodybuilding and Fitness, and New York Times bestselling author of The Plant-Based Athlete. As a two-time natural bodybuilding champion, Robert is considered one of VegNews magazine’s Most Influential Vegan Athletes.
Robert’s advice:
“My advice for people taking the first steps toward veganism is to determine why you want to be vegan, and to always keep those reasons top of mind. Discover your favorite plant-based foods, and incorporate them into your lifestyle consistently to build up plant-based eating habits. Understanding why you’re deciding to become vegan, supported by a plant-based diet with your favorite foods, is a recipe for a long-lasting vegan lifestyle. Joining a vegan or plant-based community, either online or in person, is another great way to connect with like-minded people to learn from, and to lean on for support. Any significant change requires time to adapt to a new lifestyle, and by taking small steps, such as eating your favorite plant-based meals, and by connecting with a vegan community, will help you ease into your newfound vegan lifestyle.”
Follow Robert: Website | Instagram | Twitter | Facebook
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