Planned Giving

Lizzie and Lily’s Legacy Society

Members of Lizzie and Lily’s Legacy Society have chosen to include Luvin Arms in their wills or other planned gifts. Your gift of compassion ensures Luvin Arms can continue to provide the best possible life for our residents, rescue more farmed animals in need, and inspire more hearts to embrace a more compassionate lifestyle.

Leave a legacy of love! Joining the Lizzie and Lily’s Legacy Society ensures your compassion for farmed animals will be carried on and continue to make an impact in the lives of nonhumans, humans, and the planet.

Ready To Plan Your Estate?

It’s easier than ever to leave a legacy of love. Luvin Arms Animal Sanctuary has teamed up with LifeLegacy to offer an opportunity to create your legal will at no cost to you.

Already Have Your Estate Planned?

Have you already included Luvin Arms in your estate plan? Please let us know so we can honor and thank you for your generosity.

“From the moment we rescued our first animal resident at Luvin Arms, we knew that we must make the organization sustainable for decades to come. The promise of a safe, loving home for life made to each rescued individual is a bond we cannot break.

This is why Shilpi and I have named Luvin Arms in our will. It warms our heart to know that our legacy gift will continue to spread Ahimsa and compassion for generations to come, and a forever home is a promise kept.”

Founders, Shaleen and Shilpi Shahs standing next to a rescued cow.
Shaleen & Shilpi Shah

The Story of
Lizzie and Lily

Lizzie and Lily were rescued as piglets from a large factory farm. Their condition was so dire that an animal rights organization intervened, not expecting them to live but wanting to give them the dignity they deserved. The rescue was controversial and garnered national headlines, leading to a highly publicized trial where the rescuers were ultimately acquitted. Lizzie and Lily found lifelong sanctuary at Luvin Arms where they were given the chance to live the lives they deserve.

Lily’s Legacy

Although Lily’s sanctuary journey ended in May 2023, her legacy endures. Her life and lessons continue to resonate within the community, reminding us of the impact one small creature can have on human hearts and minds. Her story is a poignant reminder of the lives affected by our choices and the importance of advocating for those without a voice.

We named the society in honor of both Lizzie and Lily. Their stories are about survival, inspiring change, and nurturing hope.

Rescued Duck

How To
Leave A Legacy of Love

Several options are available for leaving a legacy gift. Find the one that is right for you. 

There are several ways that you can leave a gift to Luvin Arms in your trust or will. We have teamed up with LifeLegacy to offer an opportunity to create your legal will at no cost to you.

Start your free legal will now


See some sample wording you could use for each below.

Specific Bequest:

“I hereby give, devise, and bequeath _________ ($DOLLARS) / __________ (DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY OR ASSET) to Luvin Arms, a nonprofit organization located in Erie, Colorado, tax identification number 47-4769546, for Luvin Arms’ general use and purpose.”

Percentage Bequest:

“I hereby give, devise, and bequeath (PERCENTAGE OF ESTATE) to Luvin Arms, a nonprofit organization located in Erie, Colorado, tax identification number 47-4769546, for Luvin Arms’ general use and purpose.”

Residual Bequest:

“I hereby give, devise, and bequeath to Luvin Arms nonprofit organization located in Erie Colorado, tax identification number 47-4769546, ALL OR A PERCENTAGE of the rest, residue, and remainder of my estate to be used for Luvin Arms’ general use and purpose.”

If you are interested in leaving Luvin Arms as a beneficiary in a retirement or financial account, please use the following language in the beneficiary form:

Luvin Arms Animal Sanctuary Tax ID: 47-4769645 %_____ or $ _______.

You can name Luvin Arms as a primary or contingent life insurance beneficiary.

  • Future tax savings: Removes the asset from your potential gross taxable estate
  • Legacy of compassion: Your gift will help Luvin Arms continue our work

Another option is to donate your paid-up life insurance policy to Luvin Arms. If the policy has a cash value, Luvin Arms would have the option of either holding the policy until the maturity date or surrendering the policy to receive the policy’s current cash value. Here are some benefits to you:

  • Income tax savings: You’re entitled to a current income tax deduction
  • Future tax savings: Removes the asset from your potential gross taxable estate
  • Legacy of compassion: Your gift will help Luvin Arms continue our work

If you wish your bequest to be used for a specific purpose, we would be happy to talk with you confidentially about your plans. Our goal is to be sure that your legacy is carried out exactly as you intend.

If you have any questions about your giving, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us.


If you have questions on setting up planned giving, reach out to us. We are here to help you. 

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