
Kenai Loves:

  • Koda the duck
  • Walter the turkey
  • Snacks

Kenai’s Story:

Kenai was found abandoned in a box, along with her friend, Koda the duck. They made their way to Luvin Arms in June of 2022 after a volunteer had been made aware that a cardboard box containing a young chick and duck was found at a local park. The abandoned pair were covered in feces and corn. Both were in bad shape, pale, and missing feathers. 

Kenai responded well to her new home and the loving attention she immediately received at the Sanctuary. As her feathers grew back in and her comb started showing color, Kenai found her confidence.

Today, Kenai is active, curious, and loves treats like watermelon. She and Koda moved in with Walter the rescued turkey. This adorable interspecies threesome are happy roommates.

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