Team Member

Rescued Pig with people

Monika Bunting & Lily

Tour Guide

Monika has been an educator at the middle and high school levels in the front range of Colorado for over 18 years. As a teacher, she believes in the importance of modeling mindfulness and vulnerability, because without vulnerability, there is no authentic risk-taking and creativity. She strives to keep an open heart with her students and to cultivate a balance between the academic, social, and emotional.

Monika takes great pride in leading tours at Luvin Arms and educating others on the human/animal connection and the horrors of factory farming and animal exploitation. Her goal for all visitors is to leave her tours with an increased circle of compassion to include not just humans and companion animals, but to include farmed animals as well. She encourages visitors to take small or big steps to create a more compassionate world for all beings. In addition to being a tour guide for 5 years, she has been instrumental in planning and implementing the book talk series, volunteering in animal care, and being a part of the strategic planning team at the sanctuary. She loves the community at Luvin Arms and is grateful for all the people and residents who have changed her life in powerful and positive ways.

Monika is a mountain bike racer on the Petunia Mafia team and a multimedia artist, participating in Boulder Open Studios for the last ten years. She has been included in juried shows at the Core Gallery in Denver and the Space Gallery in Boulder, and has had a variety of other shows around the front range. She currently shows her work at Rembrandt Yard in Boulder, Colorado.

Favorite memory with our residents:
All my life, I have loved horses. As a child, I was obsessed with them. I often wished I would not get any taller so I could be a jockey. That is until I learned about the cruel practices of the horse racing industry. Now, I am proud to call myself an advocate for horses and I fight for their right to be free from harm. One of my very favorite moments with a resident came on a simple, sunny day. I arrived at the sanctuary for a round of visits and saw my friend Niblet laying in the sun. I laid down right beside him, rested my head on his neck, and read a book to him for over an hour. He even fell asleep. I consider it an honor to call Niblet my friend, and always look forward to connecting with him. 

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