Jina Shah, MD, MBE, and MPH, is a lifelong Jain and decades-long vegan. A past chair of the Ahimsak Eco-Vegan Committee of JAINA (the Federation of Jain Associations of North America), she has spoken at various Jain events nationally and internationally and blogs at veganjains.com.
Her passion is helping audiences realize the alignment of a whole foods vegan diet with the Jain values of non-violence, reverence, care, and compassion for all life. Additional training as a Climate Realities Leader lent urgency to the climate benefits of this choice and the ongoing benefits to animals, human health, and spiritual development.
She is professionally Board Certified in General Preventive Medicine and Family Medicine, with Master’s degrees in Public Health and Bioethics. She has worked in global public health, vaccine development, pharmaceutical bioethics, and cancer drug safety.